Self awareness  Yoga

Yoga is an ancient discipline that originated in India. It focuses on joining the physical and spiritual bodies through poses (asanas) and meditation. Archaeological discoveries suggest that yoga originated sometime between 3300 to 1700 B.C.E. Today, yoga is experiencing increased popularity worldwide as a form of relaxation, a way of deepening the mind/body connection, and as a method of total-body exercise.

How do you get body pain ?

  • As we are aging we feel more tired and joint pain, how and when does this start happen ?
  • Do you aware of your own body ? Which muscle is more stiff and which muscle is weak ?
  • Do you know our wrong posture in daily life such as walking, standing, sitting down posture is mostly affecting to create your body pain.


In Our personal training yoga class I will help to correct your body alignment by training/stretching the muscle where it’s needed. 

What’s Ying Yoga ?

Yin yoga is one yoga exercise that requires you to hold one pose (asana) for a longer time than usual (3-5 min.) and affects the deeper muscle tissue by using our own weight.

アロマヨガYoga –  Mindfulness for peace of your mind

Hatha yoga is a gentle yoga style that has you move your posture with each breath.

During the yoga session, breathing is very important for doing yoga, during the session you keep on breathing along with your movement. Concentrate on breathing rather than concentrate on the movement.

Each movement, please aware your muscle, awakening the place of muscle where you don’t normally use in your daily life.

Private Self awareness Yoga


90min : $90

60min: $70